Premier Enterprise Solutions

Premier Enterprise Solutions: A SBA Success Story

Reprint of Small Business Administration bulletin – 02/10/2022

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Growing Premier Enterprise Solutions from Good to Great

Jacqueline “Jackie” Lopez and her partner, Michael Lopez, are committed to maximizing opportunities and outcomes. It is a testament to how they have leveraged SBA’s business development programs to grow their operations, achieve success, and have a positive impact on the business community. Founded in August 2012, Premier Enterprise Solutions, LLC provides health-related IT, cloud-based, software development, intelligence and program management services to public and private sector entities. While Jackie and Michael knew they had the potential to grow a highly successful enterprise, their new small business generated just over $50,000 in FY 2014. How could they take their operations to the next level?

Jackie knew that the SBA helped small businesses, but she did not know about the many programs and tools designed to support owners in all facets of their business operations. Deciding to learn all that she could, she applied to business development programs for socio-economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs like herself — including the 8(a) Business Development Program and Emerging Leaders Initiative. She also learned that she could apply for various SBA-backed loans that could help her company expand. In addition, her research disclosed several business counseling services available free of charge to help guide her during this critical phase of her journey.

Leaving no stone unturned, Jackie Lopez continues to leverage the SBA in its mission to help small business owners achieve higher levels of excellence, productivity, and profitability. As an active 8(a) Business Development Program participant since November 2015, and a Class of 2016 Emerging Leaders alumna, Jackie has also benefited from certifying Premier Enterprise Solutions, LLC as a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB). Similar to its 8(a) designation, the company’s WOSB certification has allowed Jackie to apply for federal government contracts specifically set aside for this category of small business. What’s more, Jackie is the proud recipient of an SBA-backed 7(a) loan that helps small business owners reach their company’s potential. Having pursued all that SBA offers, Jackie has indeed been able to take Premier Enterprise Solutions to several “next levels” over the past few years. Her company’s revenues topped $5.5 million in FY 2020. Where does Jackie take Premier from here? The sky’s the limit! 

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